I spent alot of time with Mom in her classroom this weekend so I got to meet the tadpoles!! Her class just got tadpoles because they have been studying frogs. They will keep them until they are a bit bigger and then release them. :) I was very curious about them but after I had been there for awhile I decided to use their habitat as a drinking bowl. :) BOL! Mom laughed but then she told me to "leave it" and got me a bowl of fresh water. I don't think they liked it much either as they were swishing their wiggly tails and swimming away from my monster tongue. ;)
The best part of the weekend was the hike I got to go on with Mom. It was grrreat to have a little one-on-one time. It was a 4 mile round trip hike....2 miles up and 2 miles back down.
There were alot of people on the trail today that I got to say hello to and I even got to play with 2 other dogs. Then, I met these two little girls who screamed when they saw me and were terrified even though Mom reassured them what a nice dog I am. They asked if I was a Great Dane and when Mom told them what I was they said something about a Norwegian Ridgeback....they said it was a dragon. It was a little strange but oh well. Kids will be kids...maybe they have been watching that Harry Potter movie?? One of them let me say hello but the other one approached cautiously and then when she got close she zoomed past me yelling, "don't let her go" to my Mom. Silly kids...I wouldn't hurt a flea...well, maybe a flea but that's it. ;)
The view is very pretty up there....the top picture is of the Stuart Range and in the bottom one you can see my town.
As you can see from the middle picture I did get a little tired but it was worth it.
What a fun day, Nala! Sorry the kids weren't being very nice. We think you are lovely.
Gus and Waldo
Oh my! What a time woo had!
The scenery pikhs are beaWOOtiful BUT not khwite as beaWOOtiful as the two girrrrrls in the pikhs!
My mom had a flashbakhk: years ago, her schnauzer Fluffy rolled in a DEAD tadpole! There is a furry nice khanine khologne!
that was a fantastic hike! you are definately our kind of dog! what fun places you get to explore!!! to answer your questions--no, that was not really a Halifax Pier--Halifax is about 90 minutes from where we live. hehehe!!! we are also much bigger. taller and longer than any great dane we have ever encountered, which surprises all dane owners we meet..
That looks like a fantastic walk! We love seeing your photos :)
It's a shame when children are scared of dogs - I had a child scream at me and her mum told Muzzle the child was terrified of dogs. Muzzle wondered why she had taken her for a picnic on the path of a field in a country park full of off-lead dogs?! Strange as when we walked past the first time the child didn't react at all, so we had no idea she was frightened.
I love children, it's a shame they don't always love me but most of them do.
Human pups are dorks. You are a beautiful princess, no matter what they say.
How nice to see the tadpoles, it's been years since I watched them transform into frogs!
We've met kids like those, there seems to be more and more of them. I think parents are becoming over protective and don't teach them how to behave around dogs. How could anyone be frightened of you?!!
Great walk you had. Love the snowy peaks behind.
Hi Nala! You made some new friends and you had fun in another hike! Lucky girl!
Kisses from Rufus and Indie
OMD what an amazing walk you took!
The view was just wonderful!
BOL... we hope you didn't drink up any tadpoles!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
Nala, what a beautiful hike!! You're as African as you can be! I love the picture of you and your Mom hugging in front of the endless view!
Kids are funny sometimes. I wouldn't hurt a fly (kid) either, but I'll catch any bandit, of course. I always patrol our street and make sure to greet all the kids. When I come, they just sit there very still until I lick their ear (which means I am done with my general inspection and will remember their scent forever to come), and they burst out laughing. Obviously, they are all very happy that I don't chew on them! But I wouldn't, for sure. I catch and I bark but I don't bite unless I have to. I put my foot down when I don't like things and I expect to be respected. If only the world lived according to RR philosophy! Wouldn't that be just great?
Kisses from Africa,
What a cool and nice Mom you have who brings you to work. I bet that's lots of fun!
Awesome hike by the way, James wished he could have joined you. ;) It looks like you live in a really beautiful town... love those scenic pics. Well, we always LOVE the pics of you Nala! :)
Stinkin' kisses ...
Beautiful piccures of you Nala! I has not had a children be scared of me yet, but I scared of them and they all want to touch me and it horrid. :(
~lickies, Ludo
Hi Nala!
Sounds like a super fun weekend!! Don't even worry about those kids who were afraid of you. I have met kids who are afraid of ME too!!
Love Clover xo
Nala! Me again. I just read your messages to me in your comments from a few posts back. Thanks! I am really hoping to have my blog up and running soon - maybe mom can help me next weekend!!
Love Clover xo
Hi Nala - wow, what a great walk. We find that human pups are often badly trained - we've been screamed at before too and all we were doing was standing next to our human! Tail wags - JD and Max.
BOL! Kids are funny sometimes. I think you look opposite of ferocious!
What stunning pictures, Nala! We sure wish we could go hiking with you!
Did the tadpole water smell fishy?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I think I need a new hiking route... or a new photographer... Yours are always SOOOO Pretty!!
Hi Nala,
Sounds you had a great time in your mom classroom.
Ah.. beautiful pictures like always, love them! :)
Adele, Vincent & Bella
Gorgeous pictures!
Nala, you live in such a beautiful place....what a view from up there, cool hike!
Didn't you even slurp one teeny tiny tadpole? Extra protein? No? Oh well :o)
People who don't teach their kids how to behave around dogs drive our Mum (and us) crazy...and at this time of year OUR beach is swarming with them....they leave nice crumbs though, hehe!
Slobbers xx
Wowwwwwwwwwwwww dear Nala....
sounds like you had a wonderfu time at the mom's classroom!!!
and tadpoles look soooooooooooo cute and funny...do you think that they could be tasty???
And What a fun day you had one to one with your mommy!!!!!
Sorry the kids weren't being very nice with you....sometimes kids aren't very pleasant....but don't worry.....We think you are lovely and we love you a lot!!!!!!
Your photos are GREAT as always like you're!!!!
Hike....what an amazing thing to do!!
can we come with you????sure we'll entertain a lot all togheter!!
Have a great week!!!!
We love you soooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!
And...YEPPYYYYYYYYYYY.....July is coming....so we could meet your humans!!!
Sweet kisses!!!!!!!!!
LOVE those hiking pics, Nala. You are just too lovely. So, too, is the place you went hiking.
Your tadpole story made us laugh. A lot. It's a good thing you didn't accidentally eat the little guys!
Sounds like two fun times, one with Mom at schoo and all those tadpoles, and then that wonderful hike with Mom . What silly girls they were - you don't look much like a dragon to us.
Woos, the OP Pack
Hi Nala,
You sound like you dealt really well with those silly kids! Yeah - MUCH too much Harry Potter!!!
Ooh - you were really brave with those tadpoles! I think I would have been terrified...my humans once took me to a pet shop which had lots of tanks with strange things swimming around inside and I was too scared to even go near the tank to sniff them! My humans laughed at me and called me a big wimp but hey - you can never be too careful!
Honey the Great Dane
Wow, hikes with your mum and tadpole tasting...sounds like great fun!!
They should have known you aren't a dragon. You don't breath fire. You're also not black and Hagrid didn't raise you.
PS. I read over Mom's shoulder when she read HP.
Haha - too funny to think of you drinking out of the tadpole water and all the little tadpoles swimming away.
Children are very silly. They often call me a wolf and master gets annoyed with them and tries to be patient and tell them I am not a wolf.
Master works very hard trying to tell silly children that I am a nice dog and they should not be frightened and that they can come and stroke me gently and quietly.
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