"Rookie move Mom....don't think I will forget where you put that egg. It will be the first one I get!"

"Come on, open the door already!"


"Hmmmm, there must be an egg nearby. My sniffer never lies."

"I know there are more. I will not give up!"
Pssst. You want to catch the rabbit! Ask Nigel...
What a nice backyard you have - and what a great search dog you are. Great sniffer! :)
Stinkin' kisses
Pawsome egg hunt Nala!
Big licks to you
Grrreat job, Nala!!
Waldo wants to know if you had stinky gas afterwards. :)
Gus and WAldo
Woo are one grrrreat egg hunter!
And Mom says tank woo fur the grrrreat earworm - that sooo helps take away the one Princess Eva and Brice The Handsome planted earlier today!
What a fun egg hunt! I loved watching you find them and gobble them down! Yum!
hello nala its dennis the vizsla dog hay hoo duz this rabbit think he is trespasing in yore yard and leeving eggs all over???!!! i think yoo shud soo him for littring!!! ok bye
Great video Nala! You look like a police dog, searching the eggs!:)
That was so exciting! You're so good at finding them! I love how you sort of snuck up on some of them - great job!
Play bows,
Superb video Nala. Loved it to bits. The music was good too.
Pippa x
Those eggs must be lizards in disguise!!! What a good egg-hunter you are, Nala! I'm sure you'd be the best of co-hunters here in West Africa too!
He he he, loved watching the vid, you are one awesome egg hunter Nala. What a wonderful garden you've got too and we love the photo of you amongst the daffs, brilliant 'action shot' whith your ears mid-flap - brilliant! Tail wags - JD and Max.
Great game there Nala! What a nose you have!
Nala, your Mommy has done it again! GREAT VIDEO! and GREAT SNIFFING! What were your eggs? where they pealed hard boiled eggs? you sure ate em super fast and was on to hunt the next one! I might have to make my Mom do this in the yard!! That looked like so much FUN!
Great video and game Nala!!!!
your mom is the best friend you could have!!!!!!!!
you're a wonderful researcher!!!
and gorgeous baby!!!!!!
We love you and your blog!!!
Sweet kisses!!!
Hi Nala!!
Looks like you had a super fun egg hunt! You have a really nice yard too. Thanks for sharing your fun pictures and videos - I did not get a special treat OR have any Easter celebration at all, so I was living vicariously through your adventure!
Love Clover xo
Great blog!! My dog is a mutt, but we are pretty sure he's got some Ridgeback in there-- people are always asking if that's what he "is"-- gorgeous dogs and photos!
Wow, not only did you get to go on the biscuit hunt, but you had your very own hunt in the back yard? That's so fun. Maybe we can get our mom to help us do it net year.
Hey Nala!! We have left something for you on our blog!
Gus and Waldo
Hi, Nala,
great job looking for eggs and beautifull flowers.
Kisses and hugs,
BARK! That looks like fun. I will ask mommy if she will hide treats for us to find! BARK- Sasha the Princess
Great sniffer you have, Nala, bet those eggs were tasty.
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