Saturday, May 16, 2009

Apple or Cheese....Which Would You Choose?

**Note from Nala's Mom**
We were just having a snack and of course Nala wanted some so I gave her a piece of apple and she gobbled it up. Then I gave her a piece of cheese and an apple and she only ate the cheese. We continued to try and get her to eat the apple before we gave her another piece of cheese but she was holding out for the "good stuff" now that she knew we had it. :) Every time we gave her the apple she moved it around in her mouth a bit then spit it out and looked at us with those big brown eyes asking for a piece of cheese instead. So, I put a piece of cheese and an apple down for her to choose from and of course that was a no brainer....she went straight for the cheese and left the apple. Not being satisfied she checked our plates to see if there was any cheese left and when she realized they were empty she sniffed the apple, walked away, and then finally came back and ate it. What a spoiled girl but it provided us with a good laugh. :)


JD and Max said...

Oh - he he he! Love it - Nala is a girl afer our own heart! When we know cheese is a potential offering no other snack gets a look-in either! Tail wags - JD and Max.

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

I will take CHEESE over anthing i LOVE cheese - even over meat


The Oceanside Animals said...

Both, of course -- but the cheese first, just like Nala did.

Rufus and Indie said...

I would choose cheese, of course! But Indie is not a cheese fan so she would eat the apple! Cheese...YAM!
Rufus (and Indie)

Lina, Alih and James said...

CHEEESE OF COURSE!! A piece of apple is too healthy.. ;)

Forgot to mention that they have actually tried to make Downtown LA more hip, with nice loft apartments etc. Still, there's mostly businesses and homeless people down there but I believe in due time it will change. It has potential, for sure. We used to live close to the ocean which was fabulous especially during the summer months. It never got too hot there, while Downtown LA would be hot like an oven. :(

Anyhow, have a fantastic weekend!
Stinkin' kisses from Sweden...

Raising Addie said...


Apples are for teachers... BOL

Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey

Anonymous said...

LOL...all of our dogs have this middle name:

Will Work For Cheese

Apples happily accepted, but only in the absence of cheese. Good girl, Nala.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I believe Meeshka's Human Woman always khomments on the power of cheese!

I might have to get my mom to try this one!

I'm not sure which I'd choose!
PLUS, I should have her inkhlude a sweet too!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

No doubt about it, we would go for the cheese first. But maybe if you wrapped the apple in the cheese, you might be able to trick her.

Woos, the OP Pack

Life With Dogs said...

Perhaps some cheddar topped apple pie is in order :)

Ruby and Penny said...

We would choose the cheese. No apples for us. The closest we get to eating fruit is fruit flavoured yogurt.
Love Ruby & Penny

The Army of Four said...

I'd go for... whichever one is closest! Ha woooo!
Ooh. That cheddar-topped apple pie sounds good!

Allison Walton said...

Hee hee! What a funny story!

Gus and Waldo

Unknown said...

Ha! Ha! Good choice, Nala! I would have done the same as you - although I'm not really supposed to eat cheese or yoghurt or stuff like that coz I'm "dairy intolerant" which I think means that I get runny poo everytime I eat them! Yuck!

I love the photos and the way they show you sniffing each piece and carefully making your choice!

Honey the Great Dane

Dandy Duke said...

Can I please have the apple, Nala? Apples are my very favorite!
Maggie would have probably gone for the cheese first too!

Yer friend,

Dexter said...

Forget about maggie and mitch, please send me the apple with great haste. I am starving.


NESSA the hovawart said...

I like very much all fruit, including apple, but only in case that my mommy bites me off little piece and gave it to me...but cheese..hmmm, there I don't want mommy near me hehehe...
Kisses and hugs,

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Cheese of course. Though I is partial to apple too.

Lois Lane/Laney said...

Cheese! I don't blame you. I do the same thing.

Sheba's human said...

Note from Sheba's human:
Sheba would do the same thing! But she would be choosing cheese over a piece of mango. When there's no cheese around, she loves mango! :-) I got a good laugh out of this one!

Anonymous said...

That's just fantastic! I love animals!

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

I would have definitely picked both. We have an apple tree in our backyard and last summer, Mom trained Kat so that Kat would bring her an apple and Mom would give Kat a treat and take the apple. The apples were brown and yucky, so Mom just threw them in the yard cart. I tried to eat the apples AND get a treat, but Mom said it didn't work like that.


Pippa said...

Yay! for cheese - especially on pizza.
