"Come on Colleen, Sierra and I found those fair and square!!!"
"Fine, I will sit and beg if I must but I really think this is ridiculous....I mean, you never would have found these treasures without us so why do you get to take them?"
"STOP! Where are you going with those tasty bones?? Please, please, please just let me have one!"
"Fine, I will memorize where you put them and come back later. What? In a tree, how can I get them in there??"
"Wait, what's going on over there Sierra? Aha! Sierra, you are brilliant! While the human is busy tending to the "decoy" bones you are feasting! I can learn so much from you!"
"Finally, a bone of my own to chew! Thanks for teaching me the trick to it Sierra! I owe ya one!"
Great piccies Nala - we can actually FEEL your longing for those bones, he he he! Tail wags - JD and Max.
Wowzer! The hugest bones I ever did see, what a find!
~lickies, Ludo
Oh, my dogness! SCORE!
Gus and Waldo
Clever! So clever! So tell us, what does Sasquatch taste like, anyway?
Dennis The Vizsla is soooo furry khlever!
Nom nom nom!
PeeEssWoo: I'm working on the tag woo pawed me! It will be up on Monday!
WOW! Those are som BIG bones! Will you share?
Big licks to you
Umm Nala, I think whoever had those bones before you had hooves... Better be careful, they might come back and kick you...
Mommy says 'Ewww' she's on Colleen's side!! The NERVE!!
It's always good to have a friend teach you some new tricks!
Is only just stated doin bogs so just found you, but wow thos look like good bones maybe I better see iff I can find some nstead of blogin
What hunters you two are! Did it put up much of a fight?!
Hi Nala - us again! We've left an award for you on our blog, please swing by and collect it some time! Tail wags - JD and Max.
Nala! You should have had the part with the toe still on. That would have been more fun. What kind of giant monsters roam about where you live anyway?
Hi Nala! Those are really big bones! You have a lot to chew now!:)
Rufus and Indie
Wow...you won the prize!! Proof positive that dogs can outsmart humans almost every time!
Oh, can we both empathize with you! Kathryn understands all too well how frustrating it can be to get a deer leg away from a canine naturalist; and said naturalist is OUTRAGED whenever that happens. Good luck, all!
Wow - talk about bones. They are huge! Yummy!!!
Mom said "Eeeek!" We say "Way to go, Nala!"
Tail wags,
My goodness, what enormous bones, Nala - what are they??
Honey the Great Dane
Are those Dinosaur bones?
They never do forget the hiding places do they?
Where you out hunting?? That looks like a dream-come-true-bone to me!!
Sheba of Africa
Hi Nala,
Thanks for visiting my blog. Come back soon!
Those sure are some huge leg bones! Did they once carry a moose around?
Wags & wiggles,
Wow! Those might be the biggest bones we have ever seen!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
ahh, the things they find...
Great Bloggie - Our mommy give us bones all the time - whole deer legs and everything - we can share if you like
Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ
OMD you are soooo lucky that you got one of those bones to chew on!!!
Chasing my Tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey
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