Happy Friday everyone! My furiend, Daisy, tagged me for this Boudoir Meme so now I will show you pictures of where I sleep but my story is a complicated one so I will start from the beginning.
When Mom and Dad first brought me home I slept in this really tiny blue bed. It was a great chew toy and I had lots of fun pulling it around the room. ;) I VERY quickly outgrew it.
At night, I had to go to the dungeon....don't I look scared in that thing?! Actually, it was quite spacious and I got used to it.
Soon, I graduated to my big girl crate!
At first, I wasn't allowed on the couch but I worked my magic and charm and soon secured it as one of my sleeping areas as well!
Then, after the tiny little blue bed shrunk I got this new one and I still have it. I sleep on it at night but only for a couple of hours until I move to my rightful sleeping area...the human bed.
I also have this cozy bed downstairs that I use when I don't feel like using the couch. :)
Most of the time though, I feel like using the couch!!
Not long after I secured the couch as a sleeping area, the human bed followed! Once Mom and Dad realized how nice it was to snuggle with me and that I could help to keep them warm they caved. Ummmm, it was either that or the fact that they got tired of my whining to be covered up with a blankie 4 times a night so they just gave up and told me to get in bed with them. Either way I'm a winner! BOL!
Almost fell out of the bed here but luckily I didn't...Mom says she used to do that as a child. Doesn't sound like fun to me.
So, as you can see the story of where I sleep has been a progression over the past three years but I think that now I finally have the pawfect setup! :) I have even pawfected the art of moving the blankets down with my nose and making little caves like the one you see me in above.
Now to pass on this boudoir meme, I will tag my pals, Paco & Milo in Italy and Khyra in Pawsylvania! :)
Now to pass on this boudoir meme, I will tag my pals, Paco & Milo in Italy and Khyra in Pawsylvania! :)
Oh Nala - you are so beautiful, what lovely photos. We especially liked the photo of you on the spotty cover, curled up so tight with your tail over your nose! We admire your selfless dedication to sleeping - you are a very hardworking doggie. Tail wags - JD and Max.
What a cute pup you were, Nala! We can see your ridgeback is so many of the pictures!
We really need to work on trying to access our mom and dad's bed! It's not fair that we just have our own beds! We want to sleep in their bed too!
Nala, you've got sleeping down to an art...gooooooood girl! Thanks for all the great photos!
Tank woo fur the tour and progression!
It was khool to see!
Tank woo fur the tag as well! I'll have my sekhretary paw it on the list!
PeeEssWoo: I hope your mom is still feeling better?
Wee have bin trying to wurk arr majick on arr mommee and daddee to let us in dare big bed fur a long time. Mommee iz more eesily swayed dan daddee. He sez, "no, no, no". Mommee pleeds fur us, but it nevur wurks. Mebbe it iz cuz daddee iz hiz own heeting blanket.
Gus and Waldo
You did a good job of working your way to the bed - which is where all dogs belong :)
You look adorable curled up in your dungeon!
Awwwwwwwww sweet Nala....
what a cute puppy you were...and what a sweet girl you are!!!!
your photos are adorable...the one of you on the blu bed is soooooooooooooo cute and you look sooooooooooooooooooo little and undefended.....
But growing you have done a great job to arrive to sleep on the mommy and dad's bed!!!!
We loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sleeping with mom on her bed!!!
we feel soooooooooooooo comfy and protected on it....right????
Have a great weekend!!!
We love you sooooooooooooooooo much!!!
Mommy tell to your mom that she's very very sad that your humans can't come in Italy....
Please....tell to your mom that ours writing to her soon!!!!
Thanks for visiting my blog...
I live about 15 minutes from Helen, in White County.
I'm originally from Savannah, but gave up the beach for the mountains in 1975, and never regretted it...
Nala is a beautiful girl!
We're adding your blog to our faves!
Hugs and Rubs,
Wow you did a great job telling us about all your comfy places! I think I might need a few more beds too.
This was a most informative tutorial, Nala! I love all of your sleepy places and wooooo, your puppy pix are way off the cute scale! But tell me.... I haven't been granted couch privileges. Just exactly how did you swing that?
Thank woo for any pointers.
Nala, you are just too cute. I truly enjoyed reading your "bed story". ;)
Amber - I can almost tell you are a teacher 'cause you have the ability to always leave such nice comments that makes me (&James of course) feel so special. Thank you!
We wish you a fantastic weekend!
Stinkin' kisses all the way from Sweden.
Oh, and in regards to the pic where James looked a bit upset. You are so right! He is tied up by a tree while I'm taking pics of the other dogs... & needless to say, he's highly upset. :)
Oh my dog, you were the cutest puppy I have ever seen!!!
You have had loads of beds in your time, bbut by far your best has to be the human bed!! How did you manage that? I need tips!! I has sleepied in bed with mum and dad a few times but only when I was poorly. Mum said I could sleep there again but daddy say that the bedroom only be the dog free zone! :(
Well what a cute meme...and such a cute pup! Thanks for the snooze-athon. Alfie hangs his butt over the edge of the bed but first he manages to somehow tuck the duvet under the dangling bit so he doesn't ever fall out....and they say beagles are dumb!
We're off to make snooter caves now :D
Slobbers xx
You have some great places to sleep! I like to sleep on the bed and couch myself. Steve sleeps on the dog beds more than me.
Oh you have so many places to sleep. Even more than me. If we had a bed here I don't think I would be allowed on though. Maybe I could try - maybe I could show your pictures to Master and Mistress, that should swing it.
Hi Nala! Your photos are adorable! You were so small... but cute!
Hi Nala - you've got some great sleeping spots - I've managed to wiggle my way into the human bed too - but I usually wait till morning - I really like my cuddy but in the morning I like to bug them so I head for the bed
Grrrr, I hate when these things loose everything I paw out!!
Well, I first complemented you on your crafty progession getting onto the bed. Then I stated that I don't get to go on the bed cause Mom says I'm too BIG! *You are def taller then me! But its all good cause I like my Nite Nite.
Hey, if you want Pink Baby to come stay with you, go back and check Tank's blog. There was some confusion and No One said they WANT Pink Baby! She has no home to go too! She's feeling a little sad no one said they wanted her!
Nalaaaaaa... you look so adorable while sleeping!!! So great to see these pictures.
Adele, Vincent & Bella
Hi Nala!
OMD what a cute story with all your photos!
You know what? This really shows again that we are twins because your story sounds just like mine!! I wasn't allowed on the couch or the bed at first, but I really showed Mom and Dad who's boss. Now I start out sleeping in my bed beside the big bed, but get cold in the night, so I jump up and go under the covers with Mom and Dad. I start out on Mom's feet or behind Dad's knees and end up sleeping alonside Mom with my head on her pillow. :)
Love Clover xo
Oh, Nala - I LOVED this post!! You were just so gorgeous as a puppy! And I loved that photo of you sleeping on the couch, with your face all squished up! Ha! Ha!
I like the way you cleverly wormed your way into your human's bed in the end...am still working on that but my human, Hsin-Yi, is very cold-hearted and strict :-( I'll bet if I lived only with Paul, I would have been snuggling in bed long before now! :-) Still, I suppose I'm so big, if I got into bed, it would be my humans who would be falling out! Hee! Hee!
I've been tagged to play this too so I'd better get on and post about it!
Honey the Great Dane
Oh Nala, I don't know why but my magic hasn't been working!!! Actually my mom's kind of bleeding for me, but Anette is the one who set her foot down and it's obviously not moving. But I'm good here in Africa, sometimes it's so hot inside I wouldn't want to be there anyway. I make sure to bring my humans out all the time and if they're indoors, I go inside to fetch them. At night, I prefer being outdoors and checking out all these cool sounds, and make sure that all the horses are safe. It's a tough job, being as responsible as I am. Then when daylight comes, I fall asleep, either in my water tub (full of wonderful water - you really should try it some time!) or under the ping-pong table, or is a hole that I just dug in the damp sand. I think I'd want a bed like yours if I lived in a colder country, and maybe if that where the case, my magic would work too???
Be careful you don't get hurt falling out of bed. My stupid brother does that all the time, but he doesn't get hurt because he is made of rubber.
Oh my gosh our dog Jonah has some of the exact same tendencies. He has to make himself a little nest or else he won't be comfortable. If he won't settle, we just cover him with a blanket and he sleeps all night. He is always burrowing and pushing the covers around with his nose. He also starts out on a dog bed and graduates to the human bed after a little whining every night.
We LOVED seeing these sleeping pix!!
We have a local ridgeback friend that always has to be covered up when she sleeps too!
We all have too much hair here so we don't care for blankets much.
Chasing my Tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey
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