Monday, June 1, 2009

Catching Up

Wow, it seems like I have fallen off the face of blogland. :) Sorry pups, my Mom has been really busy. Here are some pics to catch you up on my happenings the past couple of weeks and I can't wait to catch up with all of you as well. :)

For Memorial weekend, we went to my Nanny's and had a great time with friends and family! It was so fun to have everyone together and I got lots of compliments from people saying how calm I was. ;) Guess I'm growing up but shhhh, don't tell anyone! As you can see I played a little football and I also played tennis....well, I tried but the humans kept shooing me off the court! They had this portable tennis court called a quickstart or something like that with big nerf-like balls. They sure seemed to have fun with it but I preferred shagging the balls for them. ;)

I also met a new furiend! This is Maggie and she is a Schnauzer like my pals JD and Max. :) She belongs to Wendy who is a friend of Scott, my Dad's friend and my pal Chevron's Dad.

We said our proper hellos and played a little but she wasn't as interested in me as I was in her. She preferred to follow Chevron and sniff things.

Etsuko, my Uncle Joel's girlfriend, was there too and I got to play with her! I LOVE Etsuko. :)
What a great time!

This past week, I went on lots of walks and then my pal Gracie came to stay for two nights! At first, I was very growly with her as I had to make sure she knew she was on my turf and I called the shots but then I settled in just fine. :) Mom didn't like my growliness but we worked it out quickly and resumed our normal playing routine. The last day she was with me, we went to go for a walk but the trail was underwater so we just ran around and splashed in the field! We were both dripping from head to paws and smelling of murky water! However, that wasn't the only smell...this BLM dude distracted Mom and next thing she knew Gracie was rolling in a dead skunk carcass!! peeeuuuuu! It was awful! We rode home with all the windows down and then Mom gave BOTH of us a bath!! How rude, what did I do to deserve a bath?? The bath helped but Gracie still had a bit of a smell when Mom took her home. Wonder if her family liked her perfume???

More splashing

Speaking of Gracie's family, they are moving this summer and I am very sad! They are really cool humans and of course, Gracie, is one of my very best furiends. :( I will miss them but hopefully Gracie and I can play more before they go.

Finally, I am at the end. This past weekend, we went to Leavenworth,WA which is a small, Bavarian style town. This woman named Riki Ott who wrote the book, Not One Drop, about the Exxon Valdez oil spill was speaking there. Her website is It's cool stuff and she has lots of book suggestions on there if you are interested in this type of reading. :) Mom and Dad went to see her and they also went out to dinner with some friends. That wasn't the exciting part for fun times started the next day. We got up and walked into town and I got some treats and a special bear cookie from the pet store. Then we had some coffee and I lounged while the pawrents drank their coffee and decided on a hike. Finally, Dad found a hike and we were off. It was beside of a creek and there were lots of pretty flowers but also a few bugs. I have a couple of bumps from the bug bites but it was worth it. After that, it was back into town for some lunch and then time to head home. What a grrrreat weekend! :)

Mom was very proud as I got many compliments on what a good girl I was and also many people complimented me on my stunning looks. ;) When ya got it, ya got it! BOL!

Oh, I almost forgot...I will update you on the butterflies and frogs later. Yes, Mom's classroom has butterflies now and lots of them. Also, she has moved the frogs into a tank as they were ready. My furiend, Samson the Irish Setter's Dad is a frog scientist and he identified them as Pacific Tree Frogs. Mom is hoping they will eat the bugs she gave them and do ok. A few of them didn't make it and this is why Mom was very quickly getting them into their new habitat and getting them bugs to eat. Jason, the frog scientist, said that this is common for many of them not to make it and it also is common in the wild. While this made Mom feel a bit better she was still sad for the little guys that didn't make it. :( As for what will happen to the rest of them, either Mom will keep them or have one of her students take them back to the area where they came from. She isn't going to let them go here as that would change the genetics of the ones already in this area.


Kasha said...

My goodness you take such great pictures! Can Africa come visit your beautiful place?
Kasha and Africa

Teesha and Bindie said...

Nothin like a good butt sniff to get the conversation goin, your the first blog I found so I keep an eye on you lol, got other reasons to but then i am a boy, Ailsa is groning in embarresment. loves the photos and the splashing looks fun, to cold here for that here as its winter.

JD and Max said...

Hi Nala - great butt sniff photo! Us Schnauzers appreciate a good butt sniff, he he he! Thanks for the mention too - we felt everso proud! Maggie is very cute, she's probably a little shy around you at the moment. Love the splashing photos too - but getting a bath? You're quite right - how RUDE!! Tail wags - JD and Max.

Sheba of West Africa said...

Humans don't understand the rolling in carcass thing but I do. Too bad you had to have a bath too, that's not fair! You should live in Africa, where it's hot. Mom never has to give me a bath since I spend most of my days sleeping in the tub. Yup. I sleep in the tub. My mom's gotten used to it these days, but when my nose drops seriously low, she comes and wakes me up. Oh well. Hot season over here must be made for sleeping. I'm back in my old routine though of getting to go to the office. Boyfriend #2 (or is he number #1 now?) Baghera is doing better, but he's not strong enough to wrestle with me. Yet.

Warm greetings from West Africa!

Dexter said...

So many adventures on your vacation! But the skunk expedition will be one your mom remembers fondly every time you get wet for a while.


Raising Addie said...

WOW you have been busy!!!

OMD these pictures are just wonderful! We are loving the tail shots. Great catch!

We can't wait to see pix of the butterflies!

Can you tell us why we have frogs in our back yard? There is no pond for miles... it's weird and we chase the frogs every chance we get!

We are sorry that your friends are leaving. It's always sad to see good friends go.

Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Your photographer be very talented Nala! I just love all your piccures. Glad you got lots of compliments, you sure do deserve them.
~lickies, Ludo

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Woo have had LOTS of fun since your previous post!

Tank woo fur sharing all of this!
That was some nice roll Gracie did fur her peeps!

My furiends Steve and Kat have been to Leavenworth!


The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

boy--do you ever look stately in those pics! you are a really big dog huh? especially for a female!! people must comment on your looks all the time--we think you are devine! what a face! ...what a body!!!

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Hi Nala!
Wow, you have been busy! Lots of fun stuff. I always love looking at your pictures.
My mom thinks your mom is very brave because she is afraid of both frogs AND caterpillars. Weird, right?!!
Love Clover xo

Simba said...

NALA!!!! I've fallen off the blogosphere too!! But I'll be posting randomly..but am now on Twitter! (well, HM is anyway..she'll give updates on my too!)

Check out my blog for the addy if you twitter!

Great pics as always!

btw: LOVE smelly dead carcass!!! Mmmmmm...rolled in a few myself! BOL!



Dandy Duke said...

Wow! What wonderful adventures you've been having, Nala! I love your friend, Maggie! She's very pretty and we have the same name!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Ms. ~K said...

Great pictures!
Good to hear your updates!

Life With Dogs said...

You are justified to be away from the computer - look at all you had to bring back and offer up. Leavenworth looks like our kind of town, bugbites or no!

Lina, Alih and James said...

Awesome pics and what a fantastic time you guys have had... the whole family.

Nala - yes you sure got it!!! You are verrrrrry pretty says James. Alih thinks so too. hihi...

Glad to have you guys back, we missed you!

Stinkin' kisses from Alih & James

Minnie-Moo (Rescue Lab) said...

Wonderful photos Nala - looks as though you have had a fun time with your family and doggie friends :-)

Muzzle and I love the idea of going for a walk by the creek, shame we are sooooo far away ...


Unknown said...

Wow, what a grrrrrreat post, Nala!! So glad you're back in Blogland...really missed you!!

I know what you mean about getting growly - I'm like that sometimes, especially if I meet young dogs that haven't learnt their manners or to respect their elder yet...then I need to put them in their place! My human gets upset when I growl at other dogs but she can't understand that it's just the way we dogs sort things out and talk to each other!

I LOVE the look of that town you went, so pretty! My favourite picture if the one of you trotting so nicely with your human in the street...I'm not surprised you got so many compliments! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

Great pictures - and great catch up

Woodrow Sweetie MJ

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Phew, we're glad we're not the only ones who feel a bit out of the loop! We've been trying to do our catch-ups forever now and rarely get past C on our blog list so we're trying a different tack now as every comment you leave us reminds us that it's weeks since we visited...sorry!
Anyway, enough of that whining....gorgeous pics always, glad you've been having fun and keeping busy and we'll be back to see what else you've been up to soon!
Slobbers xx

Gennasus said...

What a great time you've been having! We were wondering where you had got to but it's the same here, things have been busy, loads of photos to sort through and not enough time to blog! My turn to catch up.

Those running through the water shots were fantastic, I think Jana would enjoy doesn't look too deep! Can't wait to see the butterflies and frogs.

Pippa said...

Hey Nala I had a weekend off too. It was ace fun although your piccies are much better than mine.

And of course you would get lots of compliments about how gorgeous you are, because you are a beautiful girl.


Allison Walton said...

No wonder you haven't been to visit bloggies--you've been having so much FUN!

We're sorry your friend is leaving. :( Try to have as much fun together as you can before he goes!

Gus and Waldo

Shannon Miller said...

Hey Amber!! You have a TON of people view your blog! :) Thanks for sending me the address!! I think this is so cute! I saved it to my favorites...I'll be checking back often! :) See you soon, this summer sometime!

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Hey, we've been to Leavenworth too! Did you see the horse that pulls the carriage? I went crazy for that horse!

When our grandparents were here in May they thought that Steve and I were calmer too. We put on a pretty good face for them to keep Mom happy! :-)
