Saturday, June 13, 2009

Nala Visits Kindergarten!

Mom's last day of school was yesterday and she is really sad. :( This was her first year of teaching and she LOVED it! This week I got to go to her school and meet her kiddos. She made this video in honor of that trip! She always talked about me and she promised them at the end of the year she would bring me to meet them. It was SO much fun and no wonder Mom loves them all so much....they are pretty special kiddos. Mom says that she will ALWAYS treasure and hold a special place in her heart for this amazing Kindergarten class and her co-teacher who she refers to as the Kindergarten guru! :) You see, Mom shared her class with an amazing teacher who knows the ins and outs of Kindergarten and she feels very fortunate to have learned so much from her. Mrs. rock! Mrs. H. taught mornings and my Mom, Ms. S., taught afternoons! That's how she got to stay home with me in the mornings. :) Now, if I can only get her to stop boo-hooing every time she thinks about it.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


I'll admit, my mom got leaky reading this to my Doggy now The DN is reminding my mom how she was at the end of each skhhool year!

Woo nevfur furget THOSE kinds of teachers that make a difFURence!

It sounds like your mom is!


C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Hi my twin!
How sad that your mom is all done school for the year. Does she get to teach again next year? I sure hope so - I can tell that she is a wonderful teacher!
Thanks for sharing that video of you at school; you must have had the best time!!

Checkers & Chess said...

Guess what - mom and dad met a Ridgback while visiting the TRUPANION office - they all have their doggies in the office and one of them had a Ridgeback - mom and dad both loved it...and mom thought about you -
No they didn't get to the Italian Restaurant - they were going to go back on Wednesday - but they were pooped!!!!!! So they ate pizza in the little town where they were staying - Lynnwood - it was GREAT PIZZA I am told -

The Army of Four said...

Oh, Nala! That must have been SO much FUN! I just LOVE little bipeds! I'll bet they just loved you and giggled and everything! Did you get to give any smoochies?!?!?
Your mom is just the kind of teacher who is going to make a life-long difference for those kidlets! I'll bet they never forget her - or YOU!

Kathryn and Ari said...

The human at our house feels the exactly same way everytime graduation rolls around. It's really hard to say goodbye to students, no?

Love the slide show, though. Nala is one very well behaved dog. We're all a little envious over here.

Ms. ~K said...

Adorable Video...
Our Rama taught school for 27 years and knows exactly how your Rama feels...Rama cried at the end of each year!
Enjoy your goes by quickly! What grade are you teaching next year?

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a great video and how lucky for you to get to visit!!! Hope Mom has another great class next year. Our Mom was a teacher for many years and she says she can just tell that your Mom is an awesome teacher!!!

Play bows, the OP Pack

Kasha said...

Wow! That was an amazing little slide show! I am not surprised you are a teacher! That is so fitting for you to be a teacher since you are so kind and good with your dog. This is random but I have been thinking about this recently. Can you explain the difference between everyday and every day? How do I know when to use each one? You're awesome and I hope my son has a teacher like you one day.

A Room to Grow said...

What a lucky class - to have Ms. S as a teacher and a visit from Nala! Rita would love to have you as a teacher!

Are you going to teach next year?

Teesha and Bindie said...

wish I had teacher to tech mes to spel. my claws get stuk in the keys. my skin kids who are anchent in ther mid 30s still remeber there fist techers good and 1 bad so those kids will hav e good memories and there be more kids to spred thes love around an mack a differance to lives.

Selba said...

Hi Nala,

You really did a pawsome job with the kids. We wish that all teachers would like your mommy, it's so wonderful to share a wonderful moment to let the kids understand and mingle with us.

Adele, Vincent & Bella

Rufus and Indie said...

Oh Nala! That is a great video! We bet the all kiddos loved you!
We hope your mom is not too sad!
Rufus and Indie

Allison Walton said...

Oh, what a fun day, Nala! We can't wait until mommee gets her own class, so that we can come and visit her, too!
Gus and Waldo

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

What a fun time! You definitely taught the class some tricks. I noticed that your first taught them to sit and stay and then they were so good to sit and stay in a circle while you did your other tricks! You must take after your mom in the teaching department.


Kasha said...

Oh thanks! I should of just googled it!

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Nala...what a great nanny for these sweet kids you are!!!!!!!!!!!
They love you a lot!!!
And you're sooooooooooooo gentle with them!!!
we're very very proud of you!!!!!!
and honored to be a friends of a super special girl!!!!
hope you're having a wonderful weekend with your mom and dad!!!
We love youuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!
sweet kisses cute babysitter!!!

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

congrats on your first year of teaching - that is an incredible age - we go to visit the local school all the time and hang out with the kiddos - we do tricks ad help move kids in wheelchairs and stuff around

woodrow sweetie mj

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

oh how lucky you are to go to school with your mom on the last day! don't worry, tell your mom it will be school time again soon!!

Princess said...

Mom and I are new too your site, but we like it. Looks like your mom had some pretty cool kids, glad she could teach them some of the joy of sharing their life with dogs!! Looks like you were on your best behavior too! We left you an award over at my blog.

Ruby and Penny said...

Nala, you made the kids so happy.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - sometimes YouTube rejects moms video for music content. She just changes the music and trys to upload again.

Minnie-Moo (Rescue Lab) said...

How lovely - what a good girl you are Nala :-)

Minnie-Moo & Muzzle

Lois Lane/Laney said...

Woah! How fun! I love playing with kids!

Gennasus said...

Such a sweet video and lovely to see you being so wonderfully behaved with all those kids. And you did a good job of getting through that little girl's legs!

It must be fun teaching that age group but sad when they move on.

Dandy Duke said...

How fun that you got to meet your mom's kindergarten class, Nala! You looked like you were having a really good time!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lina, Alih and James said...

Nice video. What a good girl you are, Nala. We are so proud of you, well we are really proud of knowing you. We tell all our friends about you. :)

Stinkin' kisses from Alih & James

Kimberly said...

furry cute.. Nala I bet you got soooo many treats that day you lucky girl...

how fun..
Bell girl