Monday, February 22, 2010

Snapshots From the Past Week

I figured I should post something since it has been a few days, so you get to see what I have been up to over the course of the past week.  First up, Mom and I went for a walk and she was playing around with her tripod and shutter release.  We had lots of fun...even me, because I got treats for posing. ;)

Then, she got some shots of just that first shot I was watching out for other doggies to arrive like my furiends Sierra and Ozzie, but on that day they were no shows.  It was just me and Mom.  Mom told me they weren't coming, but I still like to check. ;)  So, then I gave up and ran to Mom and told her to pick up the darn tripod so we could do some walking.  She did. :)

The next day, I got to go for a walk with my furiend, Sierra, and her friend, Jenny.  Jenny got to stay with Sierra for 3 whole weeks while Colleen (Sierra's Mom) was in Brazil!  I bet it was nice and warm there.  Anyway, Jenny is really nice and she gave me and Sierra treats. 

Asking Mom if it is worth my time to come downstairs?  I mean if we aren't going for a walk or I'm not getting a treat then I really think I should just stay in bed, ya know. ;)

I also got to play with my pals, Ozzie and Samson!  It is SO pawesome to be able to play with my furiends again.  Although my toenail has not grown back yet it is doing much better.  Mom still makes me wear one bootie on it though.  She wants to make sure I don't injure it again.  We got some new booties from Granite Gear, and they actually stay on my feet MUCH better and don't fall off nearly as much when I am running around like a mad woman. :)  Click on the link and it will take you to the booties page on's website.  Remember, they are the ones where I won the Photo Friday thingy. Just so ya know, I have won the last two as well....I mean, maybe it's because no one else has entered but I say who cares....I have millions more pics where those came from and I think I can stay on top!  If you think you can beat me though then order up some good doggie gear, take a pic with it, and send it in. ;)

 Enjoying the blue sky!!  It's about time!

 I also got in a little log jumping this week....I think they should make this an Olympic event, I mean it is much more challenging than ski jumping. ;)

And finally, I got to go on a couple of walks with the family yesterday and our friend, Jason, who came over for the weekend.  It was another gorgeous day and I met a fun pup to play with.  A busy week indeed!


BRUTUS said...

Your photos are always amazing! I especially love the second ones at the beginning of the post! Makes me want to dust off the tripod & play with the shutter delay on my camera!


Remi said...

Your mom is the best photographer! Of course, the model makes all the difference! My mom has also said that, if I'm a good boy all week, I might get to play with you again this weekend. Wow! That's more motivating than chicken! Can't wait!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What great pikhs!

Hey, that fun pup looks mighty special!


The Oceanside Animals said...

You've got beautiful country where you are! I miss lakes ...

Beaudor et Baron said...

Wow nice pics,but with a model like you it's easy ;-))
The weather looks really nice,here it's cold ,gray and rain no Ridgebackweather.....
Wisg i could come to play with you and Rcopubulemi.

Dandy Duke said...

Your mom takes the most beautiful pictures, Nala! We love you with the blue sky!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Those are good booties. They are the same kind my Grandpa Angus used to wear. When PeeWee had booboo foot they gave him one of those balloon booties but momma did not like them because they are super tight around the ankles. Your kind is better.

Hey, that tripod thing works really well. Of course it helps if you are a good doggie not prone to knocking things over.


The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

Nala you always have the best piccies! we would love to come play with you and have a grand adventure!

Ruby and Penny said...

We're glad to hear your toenail is healing.
We want to try the log jumping event. It looks like fun.
Love Ruby & Penny

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Your photos are just awesome - sometimes they look like paintings.

Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

The Army of Four said...

I just LOVE all of your photos, Nala! You have such cool adventures and the photos make me feel like I'm RIGHT there with you!
Oooh! Was the pup that you met up with in that last collage a husky!?!? I'd love to meet with you and run, run, run and play!

Unknown said...

Truly a busy week. I loved the photos, Nala. Even the ones where your momma was experimenting. Nice results :)

Ms. ~K said...

Wow, your mom's photos are amazing!
Of course, it's hard to take bad picture of you!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

kissa-bull said...

aww we love to she you play in the water
we wish we knew how to swin
will you teach ush?
pibble sugars and wiggles from the wee ones
the houston woggie pack

Kapitein Haakje said...

amazing photo's!!!
you can jump very very good
do you do some agility like hauwii?

El'bow & Hauwii

Kasha said...

Are you rich and famous from these amazing photographs yet? You really have quite the knack for it. I am totally jealous and long for the day when I can get a nice camera and education for such amazing pictures. Seriously you are amazing and should do it on the side for money. I would totally pay you. Thanks for visiting my food blog. I hear you on the blue cheese. The funny thing is I didn't know garganzola was similar to blue cheese until I made this dish. It was for Valentine's day and my husband hates blue cheese as well. I guess I added enough cream that it diluted the sharpness because he really loved it. He might also not know what blue cheese is. HA HA!

Unknown said...

Hi Nala! I was just coming over to leave a comment and tell you about the pretty Ridgeback girl I met at the doggie dancing camp...and you beat me to it! :-) Wasn't she great! I knew you'd enjoy watching her in action...I kept thinking of you everytime I saw her. Didn't you love her dance routine with her human in the cowboy hat? Her name was Shala, actually, so a bit similar to yours! I wonder if it means anything in particular in an African language or something (does yours? I always thought you were maybe named after the pretty girl lion in the Lion King?) Anwyay, there seem to be TONS of Ridgebacks here in Australia - they seem to be really popular! Last time I went to that dog park by the river, I met about 6 Ridgebacks - can you believe it?! One was a big boy named Bear who was very nice but did keep trying to hump me (!) so I had to tell him off a bit! Hee! Hee! He needs to learn better courting manners with the ladies, I think!

Love all your new photos - especially the one of you jumping over the log!

Honey the Great Dane

Sagira said...

Wow, you sure have been busy. Great photos!

Rachel Elizabeth said...

Beautiful dogs!

Clive said...

Fantastic photos, Nala!

take care
Clive and the NSLM

JD and Max said...

Hiya Nala - we've just been catching up on your blog and oh wow, what wonderful posts, what wonderful photos! FH's cup of tea is now cold she was so absorbed, he he he!

Firstly, we LOVED the valentine post. Oh, that baby photo of you had FH (and us!) making strange squeaky noises. You were so CUTE. And what a beautiful lady you have grown up into. You and your mom and dad love each other so much - it's so clear from all the photos, you were meant to be part of their family.

Your brother is so handsome, you can tell he's related to you! What a fun play date. Hey - we're a bit like you, always checking up to see if our pals are around when we're on walks. One of our favourite pals is a golden retreiever and we get so excited at ever goldie we see, he he!

You are a lucky girl to have such a fun Nanny to play with. We'll tell you a little secret - our nan doesn't like doggies - *gasp!* It's sad but true - so we always have to be extra good whenever she comes round.

We simply adored that photo of you looking down the stairs - oh, be still our beating hearts! You are such a gorgeous dame, we're smitten!

Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.