Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Good Ol' Days

 These were the days when I had the couch all to myself, could stretch out, enjoy the peace and quiet, and not have to worry about some weird pillow called a Boppy getting in my way.

Also, when I had Mom all to myself....Little J was still in her tummy and granted, Mom was slower, but she was mine, ALL mine! If I only knew then I would have cherished those days a bit more. Mom says it will get easier as Joslyn grows and that she will have more time for me...I hope so because I kind of miss hanging with her like I used to.  She says she misses hanging with me too.  For now, I will have to be ok with the walks we take with Joslyn and the short play periods I get with her at home.  At least I have Dad...he makes sure I get a walk on those days Mom can't get out with me.


Sapphire said...

Aw Nala. Your Mom loves you just as much, Baby J needs her now and yep, Dad's great, isn't he? :)

Mia said...

Oh Nala!! You know your momma loves you as much as she ever did. Right now, Baby J is the puppy and she needs the momma right now. Before you know it, you and Baby J will the ones leaving the momma out!! =)



brooke said...

Aww Nala!
Just you wait til Baby J gets a little older and she can play with you! Then you'll have your paws full! :)

The Army of Four said...

Well, there's no doubt that your mama still loves you TONS! Hang in there! Before you know it, your mom will have lots of time with you AND your baby biped will drop FOOD for you to enjoy!

Dexter said...

You poor little princess. That human puppy is so demanding. Enjoy the time that you have. I am sure that you are getting plenty of snuggles.


Juno said...

Nala and family!! Congratulations on your little sis's arrival! So sorry... we haven't really visited anyone since our mom has got back to work lately. Your little sisiter is so adorable and we enjoyed looking at all the beautiful photos of your family. We know how you feel.. when our brudder came to our life, we thought mom and dad would never have time for us but now he's 3 and things are much better. :) :)

Hugs to you and your adorable little Joslyn!

Momo & Pinot xoxo

Anonymous said...

You just need to hang in there a little while longer and before you know it that little hooman pup of yours will be chasin you round the couch and you will be chasin her round the other side!

woos, Tessa

Teesha and Bindie said...

You know your mums still loves you and before you know it the kid will be craweling and climping alls over you and then even playing hidies and droping icecream and goodies on the floor and you will have to help with the cleaning ups.

Unknown said...

Hi Nala – long time no woof! My humans have been doing a lot of travelling recently, especially a big trip to France, and Hsin-Yi has also had a lot of trouble with her arms and shoulders from RSI so I've been very behind with my blog friends. She's just got a new software that types for her when she speaks so I'm trying to use that now to comment.

Life must be really different for you now but don't worry – just wait a bit and you'll soon have a little human pup who will play lots of fun new games with you! Anyway, at least you're still allowed on the sofa – I'm not even allowed at all and I don't even have any pregnant humans or new babies as an excuse! You look all very comfy and cosy coupling their together on the sofa.

Honey the Great Dane

Shane Kent Louis said...

Hello Nala, it's my first time to visit your blog and it's a nice to see you and your still doing great! You mom is beautiful and she loves you so much! Woof! :)

Dog Fence | It's All About Pet Fences

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

We just back and have read about you and Baby J!!!!
We're soooooooooooooo happy for you!!!
You, your sis and your mom look sooooooooooooooo beautiful and happy!!!
Love love love all your pics!!!
Nala, we know you'll be a wonderful big sis and sure baby J will love you tons!!!
Congrats guys!!!
Missed you!!
Sweet golden hugs to all of you!!!

Pippa said...

You are such a beautiful dog with a gorgeous temperament, all your family will make sure you don't feel left out.
