Monday, December 19, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!!  I know it's early but these days I have to seize the opportunity for Mom to help me type when I can get it! Boy do I miss all of my blog pals...hope you all are wonderful, healthy, and happy this holiday season!!
I am doing great except tomorrow I have to go to the vet and have my teeth cleaned and this growth (totally harmless) cut off my leg...YUCK and DOUBLE YUCK!!! I tried to convince Mom that we should wait until after the holidays for my teeth cleaning since I will inevitably be getting and eating LOTS of treats but she didn't seem to listen.  Hmmmph! Also, Mom shut my tail in the car door last week! The door didn't actually latch and shut completely and Mom opened it back up very fast.  She apologized about a billion times and gave me three treats!  I did yip a little and she felt pretty bad especially since she is always so careful about that but she said I was turning with my tail tucked and I whipped it around at just the wrong time.  I do not recommend getting your tail shut in a door though...NOT fun!  Luckily, it didn't even leave a dent and I went and romped with my pal right afterward and was just fine. Other than that, life is good and I have been enjoying some cold, frosty walks with my doggie pal, Ozzie!

See the line of drool?  Hehehehe!  Mom gets me to pose by putting a treat in front of me and telling me to leave it and on this day I was a little excited about my treat!

My little sister is growing like a weed these days!  I have been enjoying cleaning her hands and feet for her and she seems to like it too.  The other day she tried to reach her hands out and grab my muzzle.  I think she wanted a kiss...she loves me!

I love her too!

I must say though that if I were this round, Mom and Dad would make me go on a diet! ;) How do babies get away with it! SHEESH!  It's like she gets to eat whenever she wants...all she has to do is let out a wee whimper and dinner is served.
Mom tried to convince me that Joslyn was my only present this year, but I used my skills to discover the truth!  Click here for that story!

Well, I hope you all get to do lots of relaxing and eating yummy stuff like me this holiday season!

Merry Christmas!!


Duke said...

You and your sissy are so cute together, Nala! Happy Holidays to you and your family!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

It is wonderful to see you again! I am so sorry about the whole tail in the car door thing, but I think you can use that to your advantage for some time.

Seems like lots of my pals are getting bumps removed lately. Momma says "dogs get bumps" so I guess it isn't unusual.

As for that human pup. You are correct. Looking a wee bit of the rolly polly there.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy holidays, Nala! We love seeing you with adorable little Joslyn. You are both beautiful.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

very sweet. Enjoy your Christmas with the new baby!

brooke said...

Merry Christmas nala!! Darwin got her tail pinched by the car the other day too! Now shes very careful about keeping it tucked til the doors are closed! :)

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like you is doin a pawsome job takin care of your new sis!

Mom and I wish you and your family a Happy Holiday and a Pawsome New Year!

woos, Tessa

Sapphire said...

Merry Christmas! Your little sister is so adorable... so are you Nala ;)

cavoodleluva said...

Awww. You are soooooo cute! I would really appreciate it if you could check out my blog:
Thank You!

Pippa said...

Hello Nala - our best wishes to you and your family for Christmas and the new year.


PS I escaped a tooth clean cos I am too old for a nasty anasthaetic :)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Thanks fur sharing such special pikhs of woo and the human puppy!

She's a doll!

I think Mom has one of THOSE things planned fur me khome next year - I keep telling her to spend her green paper$ on other stuff - not my teeth -

Happy HOWLiday to ALL of woo!


Sagira said...

Belated Merry Christmas to you as well. I hope your teeth cleaning and growth removal went okay.

Anonymous said...





to you and yours Nala!

woos, Tessa

Sames Blogs said...

BOL-- we have a LOT in common. Mommy shut the door on my tail long time ago. But I barely wimpered. She felt so aweful, but it didnt break my tail. And I too get excited about opening those treats under the tree. Mommmy's secret is to re-wrap it with packing tape or duck tape. She thinks that will keep us out. the pictures with your little sister are way cute! Come get your award from out blog. Happy New Year- Sasha the Princess

Kasha said...

Where have I been? Your baby girl is beautiful! I am so tickled for you. Aren't baby girls the best? Sorry about the tail. That is my worst fear. Congratulations!!!