I wish my birthday was everyday!!! I got soooo many good things to eat! :) First, Mom made me some special pupcakes for breakfast. YUM!

Dad got me a new pheasant toy to squeak and play with! I also took a nap with my pheasant which was quite pleasant.

For dinner, I had this pawtastic casserole with ground turkey, green beans, mashed potatoes with cream cheese, and some green bean puree on top. Needless to say, I licked the bowl clean!

This treat is courtesy of my pals
Steve & Kat who live pretty close to me. Their Mom makes them special recipes alot and my Mom thought this idea for frozen banana bones sounded like something I would enjoy. (For their recipes, be sure to look at the sidebar on their blog and they have a drop down menu with all of them.) The recipe called for mashed bananas and plain yogurt and then Mom added a bit of peanut butter for me too! Then, she froze it and I got it today. She figured I had enough treats yesterday and that my stomach couldn't handle anything more but she just doesn't know the powers of my stomach. ;) OMD....all I can say is pure bliss! It took me a while to eat it and the pawrents made me take an eating break after I had finished half for about 30 minutes and then let me finish the last half. All I can say is THANK YOU Steve & Kat's Mom for this most delicious treat! I think my Mom will be making more of these soon. *hint, hint Mom*
If you enlarge the picture you can see that I was enjoying it so much I even got a little up my nose! BOL!
Woo surely had a yummy and fun day!
Woo looked furry khute with your new toy!
I'm glad woo enjoy your bonesikhle! I knew I should have trademarked and khopyrighted the idea!
I've also had Mom make them with pumpkin or cottage cheese and yogurt and/or peanut butter! There is no end to the yummy stuffs that khan go in them!
Now that was a day to remember!! A treat from beginning to end.
Jana is very envious of that pheasant, I've been meaning to get her one like it for some time.
Will let you know when the package arrives.....how exciting!
Hey Nala
What a day,you are so lucky!
I am feeling fine at the moment,I'm just going by my business and I couldn't imagine it any other way!
You will be a huge contender for the coolest blog award!
we're drooling a lot!!!!
What a Yummy birthday cake!!!!
Can we have the recipe please????so we're going to ask mom if she can make that for us!!!!!!!!!!!
your photos are wonderful as always...you look soooooooooo happy!!!!
sure you had a super birthday!!!!
we love the ones with your tongue out your mouth!!!!
sooooooooooooooo funny!!!!
have a great easter weekend with all your wonderful family!!!!
We love you a lot!!!!!!!!!
kisses and licks!!!
Oh Nala, a big belated happy birthday to you!! I'm so happy for you with all the gifts you received! I'd love a squeaky bird too, but I don't think it would be keeping its feathers for so long!
My mom has yet to cook for me on my birthday, but I always get a fresh ox bone, straight from the market. It's amazing and keeps me occupied for hours and hours! I also get a dried pork ear- which is a Swedish treat of course!
Big hugs from Africa!
hello nala its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow yore mama and dada shoor do no how to sellebrayt in style!!! i hope my mama and dada ar tayking notes!!! ok bye
You have a very devoted mother! Maybe she could help us for Gracie's Birthday!
Happy birthday to you!!!!!!! The bone looks wonderful!!!! You got a special breakfast and dinner??????? WOW!!!! I loved you birthday video,oh, to be that small and innocent again.. I will mention your party to my daddy he will probably be the one to decide. this week is yours have fun!!!!
Love you bro-Bodhi
Pupcakes? Goose? Meaty bone? I agree, this is how we should be treated every day.
What a super duper day you had, Nala! Everything looks so yummy and you got it all!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Ok, my bags are packed and I cashed in all my kibble for a plane ticket and I am coming to live with you! THAT LOOKS PAWESOME! First: Tongue out in first pic = BOL Second: Were you sleeping with the bird in your mouth!? What a cute face with smooshie eyes closed! Third: Casserole = See comment of me moving to your house. and FOURTH: THAT BONE! BANANA AND PEANUT BUTTER AND A BONE?! AHH! It's all too much, I need to go lay down!
(glad you had a great Barkday!)
What a very yummy post Nala! Glad your Barkday was full of treats :D
Now, we're off to see if we can find some bananas!
Happy Easter slobbers xx
Your blog makes me laugh every time I visit. How does your mom always come up with such great posts?! She is quite clever. Happy Birthday!
What a wonderful barkday you had!!!
Your treats looked so very yummy!
Great pix!
Happy Easter!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie
What great birthday treats! We know you enjoyed your special day!
Continued happiness -
Tail wags,
Wow, what a nice b-day you had with lots of yummy treats... James wants his b-day to be NOW! hihi.. But he will have to wait until August for his turn. He'll be 3 just like you Nala. ;)
As always, your Mom takes some amazing pics of you, Nala.
Stinkin' kisses..
Oppps, sorry .. James can't count... he'll only be 2 in August...lol .. or was it me (Jay's Mom)who doesn't know how old the son is??? :) Let's not tell anyone, OK!
Happy Birthday!! It really looks like you had a great one. We're glad you liked the bones. You can put all sorts of good stuff you like in them. My mom has even put turkey baby food inside!
Oh my God, Nala - your human should open a doggie restaurant! I'm drooling just reading about all your birthday treats! And that frozen bone - !!!!!!!!! I MUST get my human to make one up for me!
Honey the Great Dane
Hey Nala!!! Wow what great birthday treats you had!! Pupcakes, caseroles, toys, treats and frozen bones!! You lucky thing!!
We has the frozen bones too. Mummy gives us one of she has to leave us. She say it stop us eating to sofa, but not always!! BOL ;)
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