Today I got to go hunt Easter biscuits with lots of other dogs at a park! It was soooo pawesome! There were alot of dogs there....big ones, little ones, fat ones, skinny ones and they were all very nice! :) You will notice above that I am in the biscuit hunting zone. ;) Mom was a bit worried that I would be too excited with all the other dogs and pull her arm off but I did quite well if I do say so myself!

Check it out....can you see the biscuit? YUM! Mom only let me have a couple though and then she started grabbing them before I could sink my teeth in and stuffing them in her pocket....how rude! I think next year we need an Easter basket instead to put my loot in.

Next up, I got a present from
Gus & Waldo and their Mom Allison!!! I was super excited and I tried to get my stuff out but instead I only got the package stuck on my muzzle...BOL....so Mom had to help me!

First, I got this COOL card that played a really grrreat song! I grabbed the card in my mouth and ran out the door to listen to it by myself but Mom made me drop it and give it back....gees, they did send it to ME Mom!!

Then, Mom showed me what else was in the package....TREATS!!! YUM!

And finally the moment I was waiting for arrived and I got to taste the delicous and aromatic bones! Thank you Waldo, Gus, & Allison...they were so tasty! You are such nice furiends to send me a birthday pressie! Love you lots!!!

Can you see the drool...boy, were those bones good!

Also, my Paw It Forward packages to
Rouxby & Kinley,
Sheba, and
Jana & the Papillons (and their humans;)and my package to Kay who won the Which Breed Am I? contest have been signed, sealed, and inspected thoroughly! They will be sent out ASAP! Sorry for the long wait. :) I am soooo excited for you to get them so I hope the mail people deliver them fast!
Please stop by to visit their blogs as they are ALL wonderful and Mom and I really enjoy visiting them. Rouxby and Kinley are two Ridgeback girls just like me who live with their PAWESOME dog photographer Mom! She takes the most beautiful photos and especially of her sweet RR girls. :) Sheba is another Ridgeback girl like me who lives in Niger with her human Mom Esther. Esther is part of this really neat organization called the Eden Foundation (her family started it) and they help the people of Niger raise sustainable and drought resistant crops. They do alot more too I think but I am not the dog to explain it....please visit their blog for the real scoop. And Jana is a Vizsla who lives with quite the group of Papillons....they live in Scotland and they always have great adventures and pictures to go along! If you visit them you will likely see some great shots of Jana levitating, flying, or hopping like Tigger with her ears flopping all over the place! Now she is a girl after my own heart! :) Plus, her Papillon brothers and sisters are super cute.
Well, time's up! Hope everyone has a great day. Mom tells me that we are off to my birthday PAWty with my furiends today! I can't wait!
Were there any that khlimbed on rokhks?
Or liked Armour hotdogs?
Tank woo fur sharing your fun AND your khool stuff!
Hoppy Saturday!
Now get that pawty started!
Those are wonderful pictures, Nala! You are so beautiful and your mom does a great job photographing you!
When she took the biscuits you found on the hunt, did she sit and give you her paw first, or just take them? Just curious. Our mom makes us do that, but when she takes stuff from us, she doesn't. Hardly seems fair! Woo.
Yummy treats from a great friend!!!
We sure hope you have a wonderful Easter!
Lots of Luv & kisses
Addie and Lucie
Oh my dog, what a fantabulous week you've had! Happy belated birthday. And what could be better than an Easter biscuit hunt? Sounds great to us!
Great card and treats! Your nose picture is so cute!
The nose pic was supercute. ;) It must have been lots of fun with the biscuit hunting. Might have to do one for Alih & James today... on Easter Sunday and all. I think I would have 2 very happy boyz. ;)
Happy Easter!
Lots of stinkin' kisses
from Sweden
What fantastic piccies - your human's a really talented photographer, but then we realise that she does have a great model to work with! That biscuit hunt looked great fun - we're going to suggest our humans set one up for us today in our garden, he he he! Happy Easter - love JD and Max.
Wow, so many treats! And what a great idea the Easter biscuit hunt was. Love the tongue shot.....great timing!!
Can't wait for the package to arrive, we'll be looking out for it!
Hooray! I'm glad to see that the biscuits made it mostly in one piece. I was nervous sending them in the cardboard envelope, but I didn't have anything else!
What a fun idea--a doggie easter treat hunt! Maybe I'll do that with the boys and Stella later today.
That tongue photo is worthy of Wally for sure. I like seeing your ridgey in the picture where you are reading the card.
Happy Easter Nala! It sure sounds like you had lots of fun! And talk about pressies in the mail! WOOF!! Have fun at your party!
pee s- don't sell your mom short, she takes pretty PAWESOME pictures of YOU!!! (BOL- my word verification word is short!)
Oh Nala - what a cool idea! An Easter biscuit hunt! I'd love to go on one of those!
Hey - and I think your human takes fantastic pictures of you!!
Honey the Great Dane
A easter treat hunt? That sounds so fun! I'm glad your mom was collecting your loot and I hope she's not being stingy with it.
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