Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl and Other Things

I don't know about you, but this is what will be happening at my house today. :)  I am just holding out for the good food.  Mom is for the Saints as they have never been to the Super Bowl before and I think Dad is too but technically he hasn't said.  Me, I am for the Saints too because if they win then Mom may feel happier and give me more yummies! ;)

Onto other things, THANKS to my pal, Darwin for this fantastic award!  Darwin is a gorgeous Great Dane girl who lives in day I hope to meet her.  My little bro, Remi may be playing with her right now. How cool!
The rules of the Sweet Friends Award:
1. Copy the image and paste it to your blog.
2. List 10 things that make you happy, do one of them today.
3. Select 10 bloggers who brighten your day.

Things that make ME happy
•Walks/hikes with Mom and Dad
•When Mom & Dad come home from work
•Play dates with my pals
•Cuddling on the couch with Mom and Dad and sleeping in the bed
•A warm and cozy blanket
•Getting treats from the coffee shop
•My Nanny
•Playing chase me around the table with my pawrents
•My Honest Kitchen food

10 blogs that brighten our day (in no particular order):
1. Sheba and her Mom, Esther - They live in Niger and always have great tales and adventures...we love reading their blog.
2.Clive - Clive and his human boy, Murray, make us smile with their sweet ways and hearts of gold.
3.Beaudor - He's a handsome Rhodesian Ridgeback boy and always has beautiful pictures of him and his sisters on his blog.
4.Guinness & Saige - These two Irish Wolfhounds have so many wonderful adventures and are quite imaginiative.  I just love seeing pictures of them that truly show their amazing size.
5.Africa - She's a Boerboel and she even has a baby human brother she looks after. :)
6.JD & Max - These two Schnauzers always make me laugh...I love their witty banter. :)
7.Sophie, Hazel, & Scotty - This Pointer trio really know how to snuggle with one another...they have snuggling down to a science.
8.James & Alih - These two boys are so loveable and their Mom, Lina, takes beautiful photos of them. :)
9.Jana and the Papillons - Jana is a Viszla doggie who lives with a group of Papillons.  Her Mom also takes very lovely photos and Jana is quite the "Tigger" of sorts.
10.Rouxby - Her Mom is a dog photographer and boy oh boy can she should check out her purple wig she was sporting the other day!  She is also a Rhodesian Ridgeback like me so I am a bit partial.

Next up is my trip to the pet store.
Don't let the top picture fool you, it only looks like I was pulling at my leash and trying to swipe a pig really can distort reality sometimes. ;)  Anyway, it was a great trip...Mom normally doesn't buy me so many goodies but with me being cooped up, my owie, and the fact that we were extremely low on treats she decided to get me lots of yummies.  First, she got me a bully stick that I even got to chew while in the store, then she got these dehydrated liver treats, a turkey roll, some mini Zuke's, and a toy turtle.  I think you can tell what I liked the most...the bully stick.  However, I have also been enjoying my yummy treats on walks.  Thanks Mom!

The Zuke's went straight into my treat jar.  I love the sound of falling treats and the clanging of the treat jar tells me good things are about to happen. ;)

Good things for sure....can you see the drool?

Last, is a picture from my modeling session for Mom the other day.

You see, I have alot of gear from this online gear company called Mountains Plus Gear or MPGear for short...personally, I think the P should stand for Pet but that's just me. :)  Anyway, my uncle Joel works there, my Dad used to work there, and Eric, the owner, is a super cool guy.  In fact, we got to know him when he would volunteer for the adventure races my Dad and uncle Joel used to produce.  Even Mom has some cool gear from them.  They have a ton of COOL outdoor gear.  So, every Friday they have a Photo Friday Winner they of course has to be a photo of someone or somedog using gear they got from them.  Well, this Friday I was the winner!  I know what you are thinking, I have family ties and all so it was rigged but whatever, I am still excited!  WOOHOO!

Above I am pictured with my Chuckit toy, but I also have a travel pack that comes with a bowl from Mountainsmith, a travel bed from Canine Hardware, and I used to have some boots from Granite Gear until my pawrents lost them.  They need to order me some more because they were much more comfy than my ones now. Anyway, to see their blog you can click here.   To see 3 more pics of me modeling with my gear, check out my Mom's new photography blog.  She just started it, so it is a work in progress. :) 

Enjoy your Sunday and Go Saints!



♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Congrats on your award, Nala. We hope your Saints win, the game isn't on here as Dad is trying to catch up on a lot of his shows from last week. Nice trip to the petstore - lots of really good yummies.

Have a great week.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello nala its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow yoo hav a chuckit so do i!!! lets go play fetch yoo can throw mine and i wil throw yorez!!! ok bye

Claire said...

thanks for the shout out! :)
nala looks about as excited as roux about superbowl sunday.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khongrats on the award and fur sharing those great things!

Woo also pawed it along to some furry impressive pals!


Heidi's Blog said...

Hey there love your Nala I have a rhodesian ridgeback too mixed with a little of something else heres his blog and love to follows yours but can't tell where i can?

Dandy Duke said...

Congratulations on your award, Nala! We love hiking with our mom and dad too!
We are absolutely THRILLED for the Saints!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Kapitein Haakje said...

super award!!!!


El'bow & Hauwii

Sagira said...

Congrats on your award and winning the Friday contest. Trip to the Petstore looks like so much fun!

Achieve1dream said...

Wow you've been busy! Congrats on winning the *cough*rigged*cough* photo contest. :)


Unknown said...

What a great packed post! I don't know what to comment on first! :-) Wonderful pics as usual - we're heading over to check out your human's photography blog in a minute!

And I lOVE your treat jar! I must ask my human to get me one of those! I only tried a bully stick for the very first time back in NZ, in the last months before we left - but I can see why they are your favourite...they are YUMMY!! And they actually last a while - coz with my big jaws, most "chews" are more like "swallows"! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

The Army of Four said...

Congrats, Nala! And ... sigh. I could get LOST in those eyes of yours.
Play bows,

Lina, Alih & James said...

Congrats on your award! :)

Amber - you have always taken great pics but lately your pics have been amazing, awesome & fabulous!:) Wow, all the pics you post are really, really good! Maybe you should become a full-time photographer. ;)

Thank you so much for your kind words about James' & Alih's blog. :) These days I'm super busy with work, that's why we had to take a break from the blog world for a while. Hopefully, in the near future, we are ready to go "live" again. :) Until then, we will continue stopping by for visits and sending you some stinkin' kisses! :)

Check out the other blog to see James playing in the snow. He's a crazy boy, I tell you! ;)

Allison Walton said...

So, arr mommee sez dat you and she cood be da same pursun. Woo iz bof teechurs, and piktur taykrs, and bloggerz!

Mommee will put yur foto bloggie in hur RSS. Mommee iz dooing a 1 Photo a Day challenge in 2010. Maybe you'll like sum of her piktures:

Gus and Waldo