Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hi Furiends!

Hi furiends!  It has been an eternity since I have been on here, and I am sure most of you think I have fallen off the face of the earth at this point.  It certainly feels like it sometimes for me too. ;)  I am still here and still recovering.  So far, there still have been no major improvements with my tendonitis and there have been a few minor complications along the way such as hives and weird muscle twitches.  Mom thinks perhaps it is my food again causing the hives and twitches, so we are trying to figure it out.  I know one thing though....being injured is the most horrible, terrible, no good thing EVER!  I miss my furiends so much and my running and playing and everything I used to be able to do.  Please send good vibes my way as I need all that I can get. 

Mom started school again and it has been one heck of a year already for her, but I won't get into that on here.  Let's just say she eats, sleeps, and breathes school at the moment.  SHEESH....I'm not sure if I enjoy autumn or not...I liked summer much better when Mom was more relaxed and home more often.  She and Dad get to go on a special trip to Japan soon too, but I have to stay here.  I am lucky though because I have the best dog sitters in the world coming to stay with me!! :)  Anyway, you are all in my thoughts even though I haven't visited in awhile.  I hope you are all enjoying autumn so far and having tons of fun!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You look so beautiful in that photo, Nala. We are so sorry to hear that there hasn't been any big improvement for you. We know it is supposed to take time, but it would be nice to see a little progress. We are going to do a special paw crossing just for you. Feel better, please.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

K9 Katastrophie said...

Have a good time in Japan!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

How nice to see woo again!

Sorry fur the 'non-provement' but paws khrossed fur woo!

WOW: JAPAN! That is khwite the special trip!

We hope woo khan get the food thingie figured out too!


Anonymous said...

Oh Nala we are so sorry that you are not all better yet! We hope that you get all better real soon!

May your hoomans have a safe and happy trip to Japan!

woo woos, Tessa

JD and Max said...

Hi Nala,

Gosh, we've missed you! We've frequently been wondering how you've been doing - we're sorry to hear you've had no huge improvements but we're keeping all our paws crossed for you as we know this can be a slow process.

We're glad you've got a great pup-sitter - we love ours too, if you get a good one then holidays can be really exciting! We hope your humans have a great time in Japan - FH and MH are quite envious and can't wait to hear all about it when they're back!

Healing schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Dandy Duke said...

Hi Nala!
It sounds busy busy at your house! We're sorry that there hasn't been any huge improvements with you. We will cross our paws and hope that there will be soon!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sagira said...

Sorry that your tendinitis isn't getting much better. :(

Ruby and Penny said...

Oh Nala. You look so pretty, yet so sad in your photo.
We are sending healing vibes your way. Hope your tendonitis starts to heal soon.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - Have a great time in Japan.

D.K. Wall said...

Our paws remain crossed for a full and complete recovery.

Raising Addie said...

We have been wondering how you are.

Sorry you are not better yet. Hang in there sweetie!

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

Dexter said...

Sounds like you have been having a rough time of it. I miss seeing your beautiful face. I know your life has changed a lot, but you still have fun and get lots of love, right?


Remi said...

I am so sending pawsitive vibes your way, sis. I want to be able to play next summer. Wow! Mom is very jealous that you get to go to Japan. She hopes you get to hike Mt. Fuji and see some shrine festivals. Hey, I got my coat from Chilly Dogs. Mom thinks I look very stylish in it. She's putting it in this Friday's 'Flashback Furriday' blog. Take care!

Sapphire said...

we missed you. sending you healing vibes. your eyes are gorgeous.

Unknown said...

Oh Nala - that's the most gorgeous photo of you! Just love the flower corsage thing around your neck. Hsin-Yi still can't figure out how to get shots like that - even with her fancy new SLR camera - where your eyes are so sharp & clear but the rest of you is blurry...

I'm so sorry to hear that your tendonitis ouchie still hasn't got better. It's taking a long time! I found my paw tendonitis also took a long time - in my case, it sort of went away and my humans thought I was better = then the next time they let me run & play, it came's been sort of like that on & off for the past several months - the past year, really, since we moved to Oz. The vet said mine is sort of like an old "war wound" now that will keep recurring. But I don't think my ouchie was as serious as yours.
Anyway, am sending lots of healing slobbers your way and hope that you do start getting better soon.

Your poor human sounds very stressy. I hope she has a nice trip to Japan and gets the chance to have a break from everything.

If you get time, pop over to my blog - I'm playing a game at the moment about human lookalikes which might cheer you up - and which you might enjoy playing too! Hsin-Yi says she would have picked Zoe Saldana from 'Avatar' for you - you have the same thin face, delicate features, caramel colouring and beautiful, long lean body! What do you think? :-)

Honey the Great Dane

Beaudor et Baron said...

So glad to hear from you Sweet Nala,were very sad that you aren't better yet.
So hard for us ridgies not to be able to play,myself had that last year and only for 3 weeks it was horror.
Wish your Mom and Dad a good exciting time in Japan and a save flight.
Big hug Princess your in our prayers,

Puggle Preston said...

Hi Nala,

Your pretty face just made our day.
I hope you continue recovering from your leg pain. We are sending lots of good vibes from Texas!
Good luck with the school, amber.
Have a great trip in Japan.


C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Hi Nala!
I was just thinking about you and wanted to come say hello. Hope you are feeling ok and that school is calming down a bit for your mom.
Love your twin,
Clover xo

Lina, James o Billy said...

Hey Nala, Pretty Girl, how are you doing? How's recovery going?

Little did we know when we sent you well wishes that we soon would be in a similar position. :( Billy has had surgery, OCD in both elbows... and is on Rimadyl and will be for quite awhile.

It sucks, Billy is only a little bit over 8 months and full of life... and is only allowed for 5 minute leash walks. He's FULL OF ENERGY... and we are still waiting on the 2nd surgery. Physical therapy starts on Tuesday though, hopefully he will be able to get rid of a lot of built up energy while swimming.

All the best to you guys!
Stinkin' kisses from Sweden

Honeygo Beasley said...

Hope you are feeling better today.