These are from this morning. Mom and I woke up and she thought I was ok, she fed me breakfast, and called Dad to tell him I was lookin' good and as soon as she called him she started noticing bumps cropping up. This was within ten minutes of breakfast. So, Mom took me to the vet and although they did make her feel a little better (not me....I try like a maniac not to go into those tiny little rooms) it still didn't answer any questions. Obviously, they don't know if it was a bite or if it is an allergy.
Mom is worried that it is my food. You see, I do not do so well with fresh carrots...in fact, every time I would have them I would, without fail, vomit in the middle of the night. Mom and Dad figured this out and wouldn't allow me to eat them. Carrots in dry food have never been a problem. They are one of the ingredients on my food. So, is it an allergy reaction to the carrots that has developed over time or a bite???...we don't know! I had the same food at lunch and didn't have a breakout but could that be because the Benadryl from the morning was still in my system?? Regardless, Mom and Dad have decided to change my food.
Any other dogs out there with an experience like this?? What did you do? Did you figure out what was causing it??
oh man Nala those look HORRIBLE :( I'm so sorry you're going through this. i feed my dogs a holistic food from my store (nutripet at cia.mychoices.biz) but it has carrots and other veggies and fruits too so i don't know how you would do with it. for my lakota it helps with her allergies, keeps her skin from being too terribly itchy because it has omegas in it. it also has probiotics and other good stuff that helps digest.
if it were a bite do you think it would keep appearing? seems like it would get better but then again some spiders aren't too nice. allergy testing can be done but i bet it's expensive
as for lakota, yes, we were on a 3 mile walk and she must have stepped on a bee at the pond and she just started shutting down to the point that she could not walk. i thought i was watching her die - it was frightening. i had to carry her out (we were in an area away from roads, etc - had to carry her 3/4 of a mile). she slowly came back but yeah, stuff like this is awful when you don't know what is going on and how to help.
keep us posted - i wish i knew more!
carri ann (aka mum of critters)
Poor Nala.
Our dogs eat Royal Canin.
Our 14 year old Doxie, Zoe is on the Renal formula and Addie is on the big dog puppy formula.
Zoe use to have terrible allergies from dog foods until we moved to this brand. We stayed away from beef, for a while our vet thought she was allergic to it. But her allergies were more itchy skin related rather than hive related.
I sure hope a change in food will help Nala. Is she scratching those bumps? I hope not.
Take care sweetie,
Staci (Addie's mom)
Poor Nala...maybe a day home with mom will help her heal!
Wow, those bumps look nasty! Hope you are feeling better!
-Thani & Tricia
Nala, I feel your pain! I had to go to the vet yesterday because I've been itching and biting so much. Luckily I don't seem to have any bumps... yet... I'm on Benadryl too and if I'm not getting better they are going to change my food and take away all my treats! A lot of your friends have posted great comments. I might have to get my Mom to try some of these new brands.
Feel Better!
BARK!!! The first time I got little bumps like hives, mommy rushed me to emergency and they said it was a skin infection and gave me a shot and some pills- Yuck! The next time it happened, it was right after mommy had washed me, so they figured out I was allergic to the smelly shampoo's(since I had been washed just before the last time too). Gramma happened to be visiting and suggested cider vinegar and water and they went right away. Mommy said I smelled like a salad. But the next time it happened, they sprayed it on again, and it went away. Gramms swears by it.
BARK! Sasha the Princess
Hi Nala!!!!
Niced to meet you!!
We're very happy that you have found us and ours blog!!!
We're honored to be your new friends!!!!
you're very very beautiful!!!
but we've seen your photo now....poor Nala!!!
how do you feel now??
We hope you're feeling better....give us some news....because we're very worried for you!!!
You're mum came in Italy???yeahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!where exactly???
she could come to know us!!!
Take care darling....
Lots of love and kisses!!!
Can we add your blog at ours??
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